God knows what He’s doing. That’s a pretty simple theological statement.

So, why is it that we sometimes have a problem trusting Him?

I’m at the ACFW Conference this weekend, and a small part of me was wondering why in the world I was here. Oh, the fellowship is awesome. It’s the only time each year I get to see some of my writer friends. The teaching is excellent. But, for an author who writes speculative fiction, it didn’t seem like there was a lot for me. Speculative fiction feels like the black sheep of the Christian market at times. We’re part of the family, but for the most part our stories are accepted rather than embraced. Often I’ve had agents hear the word “fantasy” and immediately say, “I can’t sell this in the Christian market”. For all purposes, the meeting is over at that point.

As I’m struggling with my place in the market, we had Michael Hyatt share that this was the greatest time to be a writer. He talked about his own struggles in the publishing industry as well as his personal struggles as a writer. Then, the gal who gave the devotion talked about daring to trust God to do what we can’t do. All this time, I’m sensing the Lord reeling me back in like a skilled fisherman.

I’m a passionate person. Give me a vision and I’ll bleed for it. But when things don’t click right, passionate people tend to wonder if the bleeding is a waste of time. I’m no different. As the Lord reeled me in, I found myself remembering  how much my writing career is in His handsd and how much I’ve been putting it in my own hands. Yes, I need to work hard. Yes, I need to invest my time and energy. But like everything we do for the Lord, the results are up to Him.

So, I recommitted myself to trusting Jesus with my writing career and took a deep breath. An hour later I had an amazing meeting with a wonderful agent. It wasn’t just amazing because she requested to see the full manuscript of Soul Yearning. It was amazing because she seemed to get what I was about and showed excitement about my writing career. As a Pastor, I constantly preach about how we need one another. I want the same thing for my writing career. I want to be part of a team. And the Lord showed me that He wants the same thing for me.

Even if things don’t work out with this agent, the Lord reminded me that He sees the end from the beginning and makes no mistakes. He knew about this appointment before it happened, and He knows about everything that will happen in my future.

Even when I can’t see it.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we don’t war according to the flesh (2 Cor 10:3). My attitude about life is never to be based on what I can see, hear, or feel. It’s to be based on God’s character and His written Word. And He’s said that He doesn’t fail, He doesn’t lie, and He never lets me go.

I’m so thankful God’s love’s me perfectly. I’m so thankful He doesn’t make any mistakes. I’m so thankful He knows what He’d doing!

What obstacle do you see right now that’s frustrating your attitude? Tell Him you’ll trust what He says rather than what you see today 🙂 And then thank Him for His perfect love for you!